St Olivier School

Positive Energy Empowerment Program

On a weekly basis, through a variety of themes, students are engaged in hands-on activities that teach skills and explore tools for living a holistically healthy lifestyle. Program sessions are intended to enhance and develop various areas of wellness including physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental health. It is hoped that students will not only benefit from the socialization aspect of the program itself, but also share and implement the knowledge and skills learned into their everyday lives, at home and school.

At the end of the school day, students have the opportunity to meet with a community member who leads the PEEPS program for the school.


Division Contact Info

Dominic Place
#103 - 433 4th Street N.E.
Weyburn, SK S4H 0Y8

St Olivier Contact Info

Box 460
325 Beckwell Avenue
Radville, SK. S0C 2G0

St Olivier
