St Olivier SCC


School Community Council

SCC 2020/2021 School Year


To provide our children with enriched opportunities for student learning and well being through active parent and community involvement in a Christ centered environment.


The pupose of School Community Councils is to ...
  • develop shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all children and youth; and,
  • encourage and facilitate parent and community engagement in school planning and improvement processes.

*If you are interested in learning more about our SCC and the role it plays, please contact the school.  We are always looking for new members!


School Community Councils are advisory bodies charged with the responsibility of enhancing supports for learning at the school.  The support for learning focus is aligned with the Board and the Ministry of Education.  School Community Councils receive their authority through provincial legislation and Board policy empowering parents and communities with meaningful ways to become engaged in matters related to public education.  In their advisory capacity, SCC accept a shared responsibility for learning success and well-being of all children and youth, while encouraging and facilitating parent and community engagement.


The SCC is a dedicated group of parents, school staff and administrator that meets several times a year to share ideas and information about St. Olivier School.  The SCC provides opportunities to examine school issues and to be involved in programming discussions.  The SCC discusses and collaboratively makes decisions that may affect fundraising, safety, student activities, student achievement, and school improvement. 

Meeting take place in the school and are open to the public, parents and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend meetings and support school programs and special events.

SCC Meeting Minutes

Keep up to date & get summaries on our SCC Meetings



SCC Members

Erin Fillion - Chair

Lindsey Tuchsherer

Melissa Kuntz

Janelle Fettes

Lisa Fisher

Darrell Perras

School Community Council Activity

Remind 101

St. Olivier's SCC has teamed with the school in using Remind101.  Remind101 is a digital communication tool that will allow us and the school to send "reminder" types of messages through the use of an email or text.  

This will help to keep our parents up to date of current happenings with the SCC or school and it will also cut down on the amount of paper that was being sent home in the form of a "note."

If you haven't signed up for Remind101 or you need assistance in doing so, please contact the school.



St Olivier SCC Constitution
Hot Lunches and Spirit Days

Division Contact Info

Dominic Place
#103 - 433 4th Street N.E.
Weyburn, SK S4H 0Y8

St Olivier Contact Info

Box 460
325 Beckwell Avenue
Radville, SK. S0C 2G0

St Olivier
